Doctors Confirm Donald Trump Is Healthy


 US President Donald Trump has reportedly completed Covid-19 treatment and may return to meet the public this weekend.

The matter was confirmed by his personal doctor, Sean Conley. He said Trump responded well to the drugs given and remained stable.

Based on a memo released by the White House yesterday, Conley said Trump showed positive signs against the virus.

"Tomorrow is the 10th day since he underwent the diagnosis and based on the advanced diagnostic trajectory carried out by my team, I expect him to meet the public safety," the memo said.

Meanwhile, Trump, in an interview with Fox Business Channel on a phone call, said he was back healthy because he claimed to be a 'perfect physical specimen'.

Trump added that he has stopped taking most drugs but is still taking steroids.

Although Conley stated that Trump did not have any symptoms, the question arose as to when was the first time Trump was infected and whether he could still spread the virus to others.

Trump said he is likely to take another Covid-19 test today and hopes to hold a rally with his supporters this weekend.

Earlier, Trump rejected a proposal to hold a presidential debate virtually with his challenger, Joe Biden.

He stressed that he would not waste time attending the debate virtually after the organizers of the event would be held in a closed area as Trump had tested positive for Covid-19.