NFT Dumping At OpenSea Stolen, 2 Bored Ape Yatch Club (BAYC) Missing!


 OpenSea was attacked by a bug, this time allowing hackers to buy the rarest collection of non-fungible tokens (NFT) at prices below market expectations, causing the original owners to lose hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is understood that this issue has been going on for the past few weeks based on a tweet on January 1, 2022:

. @ACYCapital purchased my @BoredApeYC using the @opensea hack that allows a prior listed ape to be sold even once it’s been taken out of a wallet. I’m pleading for this ape to be returned. I’ll pay whatever fees were incurred.

- Carson (@carsonturner) January 1, 2022

However, about 12 hours before January 24 - blockchain analytics firm Elliptic reported there were 8 attempts to ‘steal’ NFT with a market value of over $ 1 million!

Among the NFTs that are also targeted by the Bored Ape Yatch Club (BAYC) and Mutant Ape Yatch Club (MAYC), include:

BAYC #9991

BAYC #8924

MAYC #4986

Coupled with a twit from the owner of BAYC #9991, the incident ended up getting serious attention.

Yooo guys! Idk what just happened by why did my ape just sell for .77 ?????

- TBALLER.eth (@T_BALLER6) January 24, 2022

His BAYC #9991 was sold at 0.77 ETH ($ 1,816.92, equivalent to RM7,609) before hackers resold the collection for 84.2 ETH ($ 198,730, equivalent to RM832,432.76)

Not enough of that, ownership records prove the hacker had received payments of over 400 ETH ($ 949,373, equivalent to RM3,977,756) as a result of the resale of the NFT he stole.

How could this incident have happened?

According to the software developer, Roten Yakir - the bug has caused an error of matching information between the information available on the NFT smart contract and user information in OpenSea.

Based on observations, hackers have taken advantage of old contracts that are still on the blockchain but are no longer stored for OpenSea applications.

So far, OpenSea has failed to provide an explanation regarding this issue.
