This Is The Reason Why Nestle Still Continues To Operate In Russia!


 ‘Restrictions too, basic human needs should not be left out.’

Swiss food giant Nestle defended its move to continue operating in Russia on the grounds that human rights needs to be pursued even in a war situation.

Last month, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on the company to boycott Russia several times in the wake of Russia's invasion of the ill -fated country on February 24.

As a result, Nestle has acted to halt investments in Russia including exports of Nespresso coffee products and San Pellegrino water, but the company continues to ship essential food items including pet food, following pressure from humanitarian activists on the importance of basic necessities such as food.

According to Chief Executive Mark Schneider, he took note of the criticism leveled against the company, but the main interest in ensuring the supply of basic food needs to be channeled whether necessary or not.

He further explained that even in a state of war, humanitarian values ​​and principles must be continued and as a food company, access to human rights is important to him.

General Nestle they do not want to make a profit in Russia and any profits generated will be donated to humanitarian aid groups around the world.

In the meantime, Schneider once stated that the safety of more than 7,000 employees in 3 factories in Ukraine is also a priority of the company, apart from being seen calling for peace slogans together.