Apple Delivers Sad News For IPhone 14 Fans


 Apple issued a warning that shipments of its latest iPhone models will be temporarily affected due to the Covid-19 restrictions in China.

Stating that it saw strong demand for the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models, the tech giant had to deliver this sad news.

If you remember, INTRADAY has reported that Apple's largest supplier factory, Foxconn, is currently under restrictions, prompting some of its workers to flee.

In a string of recent developments, the facility located in the city of Zhengzhou is operating at a significantly reduced capacity.

These closures put huge pressure on Foxconn and Apple, showing the impact of how the zero-covid-19 policy is also affecting international business.

In recent weeks, leading Chinese and global companies have experienced major disruptions to their operations as authorities tighten control measures.

This situation may drag on for a longer period, as Beijing reiterated its commitment to continue its zero-Covid policy during a press conference on Saturday.

Although Apple is a victim of China's Covid restrictions, it is expected to be more resilient in weathering the global economic slowdown than other tech giants.

Last month, the company beat sales and earnings expectations for the third quarter that ended in September.