Is Elon Musk Legally Resigning as CEO of Twitter & Tesla?


 'Members can't perform too much like this, they're all a mess.'

The world's richest billionaire Elon Musk is now in court to testify and testify, but his latest confession has stolen the spotlight.

Citing sources, Musk testified in front of a court judge saying he did not want to be the CEO of any company.

The matter is believed to be closely related to the clarification of Musk's position as CEO of Twitter Inc, which he appointed himself and the position held at electric car (EV) giant Tesla Inc.

As context, Musk was brought to court to testify on the issue of massive layoffs at Twitter and a lawsuit filed by one of Tesla's investors who was not satisfied with the compensation received by Musk.

Musk and Tesla received the CEO's pay package in 2018, an unparalleled compensation plan that made him the world's richest billionaire and centi-billionaire.

Then a Tesla investor, Richard J. Tornetta, sued Musk alleging that the compensation was excessive and that the CEO breached his fiduciary duty (involving trust).

Returning to the original title, Musk explained in his testimony that the position of CEO held is not necessarily the same as the assigned role or what he does in the company.

He explained that the position of CEO is often associated with business management, but the reality is that his job is more of an engineer responsible for developing and making technological discoveries.

Musk also cited that his job at SpaceX was to create rockets and at Tesla was to develop EV technology.

In the meantime, Musk also said that he is the new CEO who will lead Twitter while other inside sources say he will also appoint his successor at Tesla.

For now the news on Twitter is true because it came out of Musk's own mouth in court and the news at Tesla was announced by the director of the EV company, James Murdoch.