BRICS Summit: Will the Dollar Collapse and WW3 Ensue? Explained in 10 Minutes


 The BRICS Summit, an annual gathering of the world's major emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – often sparks discussions about the global economic landscape and potential geopolitical shifts. With speculations ranging from the collapse of the US dollar to the outbreak of World War 3, it's essential to separate fact from fiction and explore the dynamics at play. In this article, we will delve into these pressing questions and provide a concise overview of the situation.

The Dollar's Dominance and BRICS

The United States dollar has held the mantle of the world's primary reserve currency for decades. Its strength is rooted in the size and stability of the US economy, making it the preferred choice for international trade and finance. However, in recent years, the BRICS countries have sought to challenge this hegemony by exploring alternatives, such as conducting trade in their local currencies and establishing new financial institutions like the New Development Bank.

While these efforts reflect a desire to reduce dependency on the dollar, the complete collapse of the dollar as the global reserve currency is unlikely in the short term. The US economy's interconnectivity with the global financial system makes an abrupt shift challenging. The dollar's value may fluctuate, but its collapse would necessitate a comprehensive alternative, which is a complex process.

Geopolitical Tensions and WW3

The notion of World War 3 often arises during times of heightened international tensions. The BRICS countries, with their growing influence, have the potential to impact the global geopolitical landscape. However, the idea of an imminent world war sparked solely by the BRICS Summit is far-fetched.

Geopolitical conflicts today are more likely to manifest in various forms, such as economic sanctions, cyber warfare, or diplomatic posturing. While differences between nations exist, the prospect of a full-scale global conflict is mitigated by the interdependence of the global economy and the lessons learned from past wars.

Cooperation and Economic Realities

The BRICS Summit is primarily a platform for cooperation among emerging economies with shared goals of economic development and increased influence on the global stage. While these countries seek alternatives to the existing financial order, they also recognize the importance of stability and gradual changes to avoid disrupting the global economy.

The summit provides a space for dialogue and collaboration, facilitating joint efforts on issues like infrastructure development, technology exchange, and poverty reduction. Rather than causing instability, the BRICS Summit promotes a balanced approach that acknowledges the existing economic structures while advocating for a more inclusive international system.


In the whirlwind of speculation surrounding the BRICS Summit, it's crucial to approach these discussions with a measured perspective. The collapse of the US dollar and the outbreak of World War 3 are unlikely immediate outcomes of this gathering. Instead, the summit serves as a platform for collaboration, economic development, and diplomacy among the BRICS nations.

While shifts in the global economic landscape may occur over time, they are more likely to be gradual and collaborative rather than abrupt and confrontational. As the BRICS countries continue to navigate their roles on the world stage, the importance of open dialogue, cooperation, and a balanced approach cannot be overstated.