Rafizi Wants to Restore GST?


 In an effort to increase the country's revenue, the government has not ruled out reintroducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which was abolished in 2018.

Finance Minister Rafizi Ramli said this when asked if the government plans to re-implement GST under the 12th Malaysia Plan.

Even so, Rafizi said the current plan will focus on the introduction of capital gains tax which will be implemented next year.

This is one of the steps to expand the country's revenue base and of course the government will stick to that strategy, he said.

However, he said the government would be open to whatever means could be implemented to achieve fiscal sustainability through a broader revenue base.

It includes capital gains tax, GST or any form of direct and indirect tax.

He added that any announcement regarding the introduction of new taxes or revenues will be made by the Ministry of Finance from one budget announcement to another.