South China Sea Claims: Malaysia Denies China's 'Standard Map'!


 Malaysia opposes China's new 'standard map' for 2023 that shows its claim to sovereignty in the South China Sea.

Tensions continue to rise in the strategic waters as Beijing becomes more assertive in its claims despite an international court in 2016 denying its rights.

In fact, over the past few years, it has built military posts and deployed its coast guard and maritime forces in the waters.

In its latest move, Beijing released a map on Monday of the famous U-shaped line covering about 90% of the South China Sea, and seen cutting through the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.

In response to the action, Malaysia immediately filed a diplomatic protest over the map.

The map is described as a "unilateral maritime claim" by China and it overlaps with the country's claim over the states of Sabah and Sarawak.

Also with Malaysia in voicing the protest are India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam who rejected it as baseless.