The 2023 BRICS Conference Failed to Produce a BRICS Currency. Why Not?


 In a world where economic interdependence is increasingly vital, regional economic alliances have taken center stage. Among these alliances, BRICS, composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has emerged as a powerful bloc. Since its inception in 2006, BRICS has made significant strides in reshaping global economic dynamics. However, one of its most ambitious goals, the creation of a common BRICS currency, remains unrealized as of the 2023 BRICS conference. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind the failure to produce a BRICS currency and the implications of this setback.

The Vision of a BRICS Currency

The idea of a common currency within BRICS is not new. It has been discussed and debated for years. The concept had its roots in the desire to reduce dependency on the US dollar and create a more balanced global financial system. A BRICS currency was envisioned to facilitate trade among member countries and enhance their economic clout on the global stage.

Why Did It Fail?

Economic Disparities:

One of the primary reasons behind the failure to create a BRICS currency is the substantial economic disparities among member countries. BRICS includes both economic giants like China and India and countries with smaller economies like South Africa and Brazil. These economic disparities make it challenging to establish a common currency with equitable exchange rates and monetary policies.

Divergent Monetary Policies:

Each BRICS member has its own monetary policy framework and financial institutions. These differences in monetary policies, inflation rates, and financial regulations create hurdles in aligning their economic systems. A unified currency would require extensive harmonization of these policies, which is a complex and lengthy process.

Political Differences:

Beyond economic challenges, political differences among BRICS countries have also hindered the creation of a common currency. Geopolitical tensions, varying foreign policy objectives, and differing stances on global issues have all played a role in slowing down progress toward a unified currency.

External Pressures:

External factors, such as the dominance of the US dollar and the global financial system's inertia, have also impeded efforts to create a BRICS currency. The current international financial order is deeply entrenched, making it difficult for emerging economies to challenge the status quo.

Implications of the Failure

The failure to produce a BRICS currency has several implications:

Continued Dollar Dominance: The US dollar remains the dominant global reserve currency, giving the United States significant economic and political leverage. Without a BRICS currency, member countries continue to rely on the dollar, which can limit their economic independence.

Reduced Trade and Economic Integration: A common currency could have boosted trade and economic integration among BRICS nations. Without it, barriers to trade, such as currency exchange costs and risks, persist, potentially hampering regional economic growth.

Limited Global Influence: BRICS countries collectively account for a substantial portion of the world's population and GDP. However, their influence in global financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank remains limited. A common currency could have bolstered their collective bargaining power.

Missed Economic Opportunities: The failure to create a BRICS currency may result in missed economic opportunities, as it could have facilitated cross-border investments and economic cooperation, especially in the face of global economic uncertainties.


While the dream of a BRICS currency remains unfulfilled as of the 2023 BRICS conference, it is essential to recognize the formidable challenges that have prevented its realization. Economic disparities, divergent monetary policies, political differences, and external pressures have all played a role in this setback. Nonetheless, BRICS continues to be a significant force in reshaping the global economic landscape. While the path to a common currency may be challenging, the bloc's influence on international affairs and its role in fostering cooperation among member nations should not be underestimated. The story of the BRICS currency serves as a reminder that the journey toward economic integration and financial independence is a complex and ongoing process, but one worth pursuing.