What does Poor Tough, B40, M40 and T20 mean?


 Approaching 2024, the Kingdom of Malaysia has launched the PADU initiative where it can help the kingdom to find out the class and categories of society based on the amount of household income.

Apart from that, he also facilitates the distribution of targeted subsidies to the B40 group and the Disadvantaged Poor in this country.

Before that, what is meant by groups B40, M40, T20 and Poor Tough? Which category are you in?

Maybe we are quite used to this saying on social media and the news, it is intended to categorize every household member based on the income of the Malaysian people each month.

In general, this is the clear meaning of the classification:


– Known as Bottom 40 is a group of the lowest house contents.

– 40% of Malaysia's population consists of this group.

– Household income with an average monthly income of under RM4,850.


– Known as the Middle 40 is a collection of middle house contents.

– 40% of Malaysia's population consists of this group.

– Household income with an average monthly income of between RM4,851 to RM10,970.


– Known as the Top 20 is a collection of the highest household members.

– 20% of Malaysia's population consists of this group.

– Household income with an average monthly income of RM10,971 and above.

The Tough Poor group is also a monthly household income below RM1,198 which previously decreased by 0.2% to 18,445 households compared to 0.4% in 2019 in Malaysia.

Based on the Household Income and Expenditure Report in 2022, it is stated that the income categories for B40, M40 and T20 are further divided into several small groups.

B40 is divided into two groups, namely:

– B1 : RM2,500 and below

– B2 : RM2,501 – RM3,170

– B3 : RM3,171 – RM3,970

– B4 RM3,971 – RM4,850

M40 is also divided into four groups:

– M1 : RM4,851 – RM5,880

– M2 : RM5,881 – RM7100

– M3 : RM7,101 – RM8,700

– M4 : RM 8,701 – RM10,970

For T20 income, it is divided into two, namely:

– T1 : RM10,971 – RM15400

– T2 : RM15,041 and above

The hard-core poor group refers to individuals whose monthly household income is less than the Poverty Line Income (PGK). The poverty rate in the PGK that is currently being used is RM2,208 for the household and for the extremely poor it is RM1,169 per household.

The tough poor can also be included in the vulnerable group which consists of women, senior citizens, people with disabilities (OKU), poor people and young people.

With this partnership, you can determine the category of household contents according to the household's monthly income and make it easier for you to submit requests for assistance announced by the government.