US Warns China, Support For Russia Will Affect Europe


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned China about its support for the Russian military during his visit to the country this week.

Blinken conveyed Washington's deep concern over China's aid to Russia's defense industrial base on Wednesday last week.

He further commented that the United States is ready to take action when any party tries to undermine security in Ukraine and Europe.

This will be Blinken's second visit to China after an important diplomatic mission in easing US-China tensions that have been lingering since June last year.

During his visit to Beijing and Shanghai, Blinken is expected to meet senior Chinese officials including Foreign Minister Wang Yi. It remains unclear whether the US Secretary of State will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Looking at the main topic, China previously posed a threat to European security when the Asian giant was rumored to be contributing military aid to Russia's defense industrial base.

The US sees China sharing machine tools, semiconductors, other dual-use goods that have helped Russia rebuild its defense industrial base that was previously boycotted by European countries and loosening their export controls.

If China wants a good relationship with Europe and its allies, they should not be involved in creating threats to the continent's security since the end of the Cold War.

From the point of view of the trade war, the two countries continue to increase their dominance in the field of technology and China has previously criticized US investigations into their maritime, logistics and shipbuilding industries.

Senior U.S. official asserted that Washington was realistic about its expectations of Blinken's visit in resolving key issues.
