For the first time! US Turns Back, Supports Rafah Ceasefire At UN


The United Nations Security Council (UN) on Monday supported President Joe Biden's proposal to implement a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas in its statement approved the agreement to end the eight-month war and welcomed the resolution drafted by the United States.

14 members of the UN Security Council except Russia voted to support the ceasefire plan resolution for the third session presented by Biden on May 31. Its purpose is as a last resort for Israel to immediately agree to world law.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, representative of the US Ambassador to the UN supported a ceasefire for the first time in support of the humanitarian crisis in Rafah. The resolution stated that Israel had accepted it and called for both to be fully implemented without delay.

In addition, Algeria, which is the only representative of the Arab countries, supports the resolution and believes that the effort can lead to a lasting ceasefire.

In the resolution, the negotiations took longer by at least six weeks in the first phase and it had to continue in the next negotiations.

However, the resolution is not yet complete enough for the Putin administration. Russia's ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said the world council had set an unclear decision but that did not mean they rejected the full support of the resolution.

However, Israel's representative Gilad Erdan in the event chose not to deliver any speech. Israel's senior diplomat, Reut Shapir Ben Naftaly said that their military goals in Gaza have always been clear.

He also said that Israel is committed to the goal of freeing all hostages and destroying the Hamas military so that they do not pose a threat to Israel in the future. He accused them of being the reason why the war is still going on.

In March, the UN demanded a cease-fire and demanded that Hamas release all the hostages it held. The result of the negotiations that established Egypt and Qatar as mediators turned out to be a failure.

Throughout the conflict, more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed and about 100 hostages are believed to be still being held in Gaza.