TikTok Blocked by the US Government, Trump's Support is Increasing!


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he will continue to support TikTok's position in the United States despite a possible ban if ByteDance fails to divest its US assets.

He told Bloomberg, giant applications need high competition like TikTok. This will continue to support improvements for the Facebook and Instagram apps.

Previously, TikTok users in the United States, which is used by 170 million of its citizens, strongly protested the actions of the Joe Biden government to ban the application from operating in the giant country.

In addition, Trump also criticized Facebook and Instagram owned by Meta for suspending his account for two years following the deadly Capitol Hill riots on Jan 6, 2021. Once again, he firmly stated that he would never support a ban on TikTok.

However, TikTok declined to comment on the statement.

In 2020, when Trump was US President, he tried to ban China's TikTok and Wechat but the move was blocked by the court.

June 2021, President Joe Biden has withdrawn a series of executive orders during the Trump era that sought to ban WeChat and TikTok.

The issue is fueled by concerns among US lawmakers that China threatens to access US citizens' data or spy on them with the app.

The measure was widely approved in Congress in April just weeks after it was introduced.