Budget 2025 : The Government is Committed to Reducing the Fiscal Deficit Rate


The government has taken various measures to reduce the rate of fiscal deficit in stages from 2022 to 2025.

In 2022, the fiscal deficit is at a rate of 5.5%. Continued efforts have led to a decrease to 5.0% in 2023.

For the year 2024, the government estimates the deficit rate will decrease further to 4.3%. By 2025, the government is targeting a projected deficit of 3.8%.

This step shows the government's commitment in managing the country's finances more carefully.

Efforts to reduce the fiscal deficit are important to ensure the country's economy is on a more stable track.

Among them, the government may introduce spending reduction measures, optimize tax revenue, and improve spending efficiency.

Reducing the fiscal deficit is also important to attract the confidence of investors and international financial institutions.

A lower fiscal deficit shows good fiscal discipline, while reducing the country's dependence on foreign loans.

This is important to prevent the national debt from continuing to increase and burden future finances.
