Rafizi Wants to Closer ASEAN & BRICS Cooperation


Malaysia is preparing to take over the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2025, and Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli has a clear vision.

He intends to strengthen cooperation between ASEAN and BRICS, emphasizing Malaysia's strength in areas such as semiconductors, energy transition, and Islamic finance.

Rafizi believes that ASEAN and BRICS share the same view on openness and cooperation, especially at this time many countries are less open to cooperation with foreign countries.

This vision is not only about regional influence, it is also about Malaysia using its role to bridge diverse economic gaps, balance growth and global diplomacy.

Rafizi called for economic integration that could lead to broader infrastructure investment, technology transfer, and capacity building.

Malaysia, which was recently recognized as a BRICS partner, joins 12 other countries, forming a coalition that represents almost 40% of the world's population and the majority of global GDP.

As Malaysia prepares to lead ASEAN, its focus on economic diplomacy and sustainable development highlights its increasingly important role on the international stage.