PM Anwar Announces RM50 Million Assistance for Kelantan & Terengganu to Face Flood Disaster


The major floods that hit Kelantan and Terengganu are now receiving immediate attention from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who announced an emergency assistance of RM50 million to help recover the situation, with each state receiving RM25 million.

This fund will be used to repair damaged roads, improve drainage systems, and raise road levels in critical areas such as Hulu Besut.

In addition, more than 14,000 civil servants in Terengganu will receive special assistance of RM500 each, involving an allocation of RM7.4 million, as a sign of the government's concern for those who have also been affected.

While visiting victims at temporary relief centres (PPS) in Setiu and Kuala Terengganu, Anwar had the opportunity to meet almost 650 victims who are currently taking shelter due to the major floods.

So far, the state of Terengganu has recorded the highest number of flood victims, at more than 42,000 people, with the Besut district being the worst affected.

Despite the increasingly challenging situation, Anwar stressed that there was no need to declare an emergency as all rescue and relief agencies were fully prepared.

With over 42,000 victims and losses expected to be close to RM1 billion, this flood has become one of the worst disasters for the East Coast state.

The government promised not to give up in ensuring that all flood victims receive appropriate assistance until the situation returns to normal.