Unsold Houses Decline, But Why Are There Still Abandoned Projects in Perak?


Although the number of unsold houses in Perak has recorded a significant decrease this year, from 4,161 units to 3,039 units in the third quarter of 2024, the issue of surplus unsold houses remains a hot topic of discussion.

State Housing and Local Government Committee Chairman Sandrea Ng Shy Ching stated that the decrease was the result of the state government’s continuous efforts, but stressed that developers need to conduct more in-depth market studies.

However, this statement raises questions about the market studies that should have been conducted before development began.

In the State Legislative Assembly, she reminded that housing projects must be in line with the needs and capabilities of the community to prevent this problem from continuing.

However, to date, six housing projects in Perak have been declared abandoned by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, involving two in Kinta, two in Manjung, and one each in Kampar and Batang Padang.

To address this problem, the state government has collaborated with NAPIC, REHDA, and local authorities to assess factors such as location, price, and marketing strategies.

Perak is also developing housing to monitor and analyze data more systematically.

With this approach, the state government hopes to create a more balanced housing market that meets the needs of the people.

However, one question that will be debated by the people of Perak is – Are these measures enough to ensure that each housing project truly meets the needs of the people?