The government will begin distributing RM13 billion in Basic Rahmah Contribution (SARA) starting tomorrow, making it the highest aid in the country's history.
This aid will benefit 700,000 recipients from the poor and the extremely poor through the use of MyKad.
Compared to last year, SARA has now been expanded to Sabah and Sarawak, allowing more people to benefit.
In addition, the amount of aid has increased to RM2,100 for eligible households, higher than last year's RM1,200.
Recipients will receive RM100 per month starting January to March and the amount will increase to RM200 per month in April,.
This aid will be credited directly to the recipient's MyKad and can be used to purchase basic necessities at more than 1,200 registered retail stores nationwide.
Starting in April, additional SARA will also be given to 5.4 million recipients of the Sumbang Tunai Rahmah (STR), including 4.7 million recipients who are not listed in eKasih.
This additional assistance involves RM100 per month for households and RM50 for senior citizens without a partner.