RM1.27 Billion Drifts Away! Foreign Investors ‘Disappear’ from Bursa Malaysia


Foreign investors continued to disappear from Bursa Malaysia for the 19th consecutive week, this time with a larger outflow of RM1.27 billion – a jump of over 120% from the previous week’s RM562 million.

Friday was the ‘bloodiest’ day – RM646.2 million flew in a day!

While the construction, telecommunications, and REIT sectors still managed to attract some foreign capital, the financial, consumer services, and utilities sectors suffered the worst losses.

However, local institutions continued to be a defensive bulwark with a net purchase of RM817.4 million, while local retail investors were also aggressive in buying shares, bringing in RM447.9 million.

With a surge in foreign trading of 80.3%, the market seems to be getting more lively – but is this a sign of a bigger fall or an opportunity for the brave?
