Selangor Civil Servants' Raya Bonus with Half Salary or Minimum RM1,000!


Raya Bonus to be paid early!

Raya Bonus to be paid early!

Around 18,000 Selangor civil servants will enjoy half a month's salary or a minimum of RM1,000 as a generous incentive from the state government after the impressive revenue collection.

Selangor Menteri Besar, Amirudin Shari, said payments will begin on April 15 with an allocation of more than RM26 million.

Not only state civil servants, but community leaders, village liaison officers and mosque workers will also receive assistance of between RM500 and RM1,000.

Federal civil servants in Selangor such as the police, military, teachers and nurses will also not be forgotten - but there are a few exceptions.

RM250 assistance will be given to those with a basic salary of RM3,000 and below.

The rest?

Be patient... The Raya money comes in early, but not everyone gets it equally!